

Welcome to my website.  My name is Jackie, I am a child of God and I serve a risen Saviour Jesus Christ.  Through the teachings of God’s Word, I have been inspired to make these posts and share them with those who do not know Jesus as their personal Saviour and with those who do, but have need of a re-commitment.  I am not writing these posts to judge you.  That is for our Lord to decide.  I just want you to know that Jesus loves you and He is there if you search Him out.

No one can be so down-trodden that Jesus cannot save.  I’ve known loss, been uncertain of my self-worth and known despair.  I have made bad choices that have taken me down paths that one would think there is no hope for, but Jesus loved me so much He brought me back to grace.

I’ve called my site Trust In Hymn, a little play on words.  I have incorporated hymns or verses of hymns throughout my posts.  Although many hymns were written long before our time, their essence of life’s needs, we have today, are so spot-on there can be no question that God’s love will see us through the perilous times to come.  If  you are uncertain of any of the contents of these posts, I urge you to do your own homework and read God’s Word for yourself.  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

I want nothing more than for you to know and trust Jesus to see you through whatever life throws your way.  I hope these pages inspire you to TRUST IN HIM.


May God Bless You