Other Resources To Help Your Walk With God
These are some sources which I have found helpful in understanding my walk with Jesus. Perhaps they can be for you.
1. David Jeremiah. Turning Point Ministries. David Jeremiah.org. He is a wonderful teacher and pastor, and makes understanding the Bible easier. Check out Turning Point on your TV listings every Sunday.
2. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) of Canada. BillyGraham.ca; SearchforJesus.net; PeaceWithGod.net or KnowJesus.net. In God’s eyes, every man, woman and child has eternal value and His great love compels BGEA to travel to every part of the earth to share it with others.
3. 100 Huntley Street have prayer-phone lines open 24/7 with someone to pray with you for needs particular to you. It’s as easy as picking up the phone. 1-866-273-4444 toll free. Or, if you would rather connect with a prayer partner by email, use PRAYER@CROSSROADS.CA. They also have a daily program on TV which can help you and inspire you. I know it has me.
These are just a few sources worthy of checking out. Bible-based churches in your neighbourhood are worth checking out as well.
Even a simple prayer to God himself can get you started…He’s always listening and waiting to hear from you. There is never a busy signal to Our Father who art in heaven…